Crrow | Conspiracies, Space Lies, & Constructs

Published: Jan. 10, 2017, 7:16 a.m.

We have been deeply analyzing our reality for quite some time. But where is the line between truth and the carefully crafted constructs the powerful elite have cooked up? We know deceptive authorities are not to be trusted. We see how they've built a mediocrity machine were forced to spend our formative years that we call compulsory schooling. We recognize the quarantine around alternative fuels keeping us on the comeback for Rockefeller oil. Even decades later we get that natural foods and plant-based medicines have been stripped down and discarded and exchanged for proprietary chemicals that are sending us down a path of destruction. We found ourselves in a state of perpetual war and propaganda with the TV slowly turning us against each other. We've uncovered major deceptions from NASA and the projects that let us know they've got it all under control. [00:00:47] We've reexamined the timeline of human history itself. Picking out problems and wondering just how badly it's been altered. And of course we've taken our inquiry to the extreme and considered our entire earthly environment to be an illusion and a backwards lie. Well help me take this trip into unexpected territory, many steps of the way has been the man we call Kro the true Oji of the lunar way footage and many strange Feldman's in the sky of our human terrarium. [00:01:12] He's the man who brought us the work of the deceased Russian scientists known as Hatti Bob's suggesting that spider beings from space took over and added to our little solar system here converting it to a cosmic factory farm complete with a UFO maintenance crew and now he's become a podcast extraordinaire hosting his own Krogh triple 7 radio podcast. It's been too long and it's a real treat to have him back. [00:01:34] Everyone loves the crows show my friend and yours. Good sir how the hell are ya. [00:01:40] Great man how are you. [00:01:41] It's good to be back. FNM and yeah I can't complain. [00:01:46] I'm pumped to do this too. [00:01:47] I've been catching up on your show all this week trying to see where your heads at these days and maybe we should just jump right into the deep end of the pool we've been doing this long enough. [00:01:56] You got this podcast here about 40 episodes in. How has it affected you. [00:02:01] Have there been any new conclusions or ideas that have your attention these days. Well in a way things had to come to the east coast to take care of a family member and it kind of cut into my ability to film the sky. Which incidentally will pick up again and spring here. But having said that I started to prioritize what I think is important and you know every time I go out into the world I see people who are suffering who are fooled who are socially engineered to be suffering and fooled and so that really became a focus of mine to begin to try to communicate at a level-headed low level that allows people to at least consider what we call reality. Yeah man I've been hearing so many great guests come up on your show and so many new ideas and I have to say you have some great titles to one of your episodes is titled Hello. [00:02:54] 911 OPERATOR I'd like to report a mind rape and that doesn't get people's attention. [00:03:00] I don't know what will. [00:03:01] Well maybe a truer title was never written. [00:03:04] Because pretty much you know 9/11 is a funny thing because it happened and maybe not a lot of people became aware that it was basically an inside job, to say the least. But it triggered something in the western world mind. [00:03:20] By the time we got to Sandy Hook so many people had stepped away and said hey man sometimes not right here. [00:03:26] And so when I did that episode I tried to go at it from the point of view of the people who did it. And specifically from people like Crowley and basically broke the whole thing down as a ritual as a magic kind of Luciferian ritual. So that was an interesting episode.