Chris Knowles | The Trump Coup & Lucifer’s Tech

Published: Dec. 1, 2016, 3:59 a.m.

Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Lucifer's Tech and Trump coup with returning guest, Chris Knowles. We've all heard the Arthur C. Clark quote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", but maybe they're linked by more than just appearance. It seems that most people who study the smattering of crumbs the deep state has dropped over the past few decades will find a few curious connections between: occult practices and technological advances, strange phenomenon and secret experiments, and let's not forget the curious resurrection of ancient Babylonian names from companies on the bleeding edge of things we'll probably never see. It's true that odd pieces that seem unrelated, often times come together when you dig deep enough to find the ties that bind. Although, what can be overwhelming and often glossed over, is the vast amount of knowledge a person need to put these odd pieces in the proper context. What good is a NASA investigator who knows nothing about ancient Egyptian mythology? How valuable is a Ufologist who's never studied the occult? And can a person really decode Hollywood symbolism accurately without opening up a book on Kabalah? The point is that true "conspiracy" research is a vast and inner-disciplinary undertaking that few people are willing to follow through to it's deepest depths; but Chris Knowles is one of the respectable few who is. He's back and the saddle with an epic 2.5+ hour podcast,Chris is an author of several great books including "Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes" and "The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll: The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music". He's been decoding the esoteric themes of pop culture and para-politics for years culminating in the catalog of work is on his blog, The Secret Sun. 4:15 Greg and Chris begin by examining how Knowles' approach to his research has always been to take the path less traveled or studied, should we say? Diving down several rabbit holes the past few months on his blog from the likes of Bell Labs dirty laundry, to the lesser known MK-OFTEN project it's easy to understand how his work is instrumental in helping people think different. Chris points out, this has been personally advantageous in this "all bets are off year"  where we've experienced so much high strangeness bubbling to the surface. With things feeling reminiscent of the past because of interchanging political scandals, a divided and polarized nation, the international war machine marching forward and the reemergence of the hacker culture onto the center stage of politics, it's clear to see this is a time where the machinations of the secret world emerge. Greg and Chris dive even deeper into this by discussing the recent Podesta email leaks involving Pizzagate, the shocking election results and the shift of power players pulling the strings in the wake of president-elect Trump. 17:43 As Chris previously observed, the claim of Russian interference is not only unlikely, but interestingly enough ties into one of the overarching themes of his ongoing installment Lucifer's Technologieswhere he elaborates on the idea of technology as a Trojan horse. After his lengthy series leading to a spin off where he more deeply covered the archetype of Lucifer, Chris expanded his research beyond the Grecco-Roman era and discovered not only the reasons this figure was hijacked and manipulated to reflect religious origins, but at the core the is a very powerful idea that is essentially a secret tradition. 34:42 Greg and Chris recap the origins of Lucifer from the rebellions against Sargon the Great to the tales that evolved into Prometheus. After following this twisted web of truths it may be safe to say that Lucifer can be equated to a figure who uses technology to subvert the established power center. Knowles contends the Titans of Greek mythology were in fact, also Sumerian kings,