Work Worth Being Proud Of w/ Music Producer Amzi Jackson

Published: April 20, 2012, 1 a.m.

When we create often times we aren't looking past today. True Artist of all mediums, hope that their work will be appreciated for years to come, studying in classrooms, and loved by many. However very few people take the time to present something to the world that reflects anything positive, motivating, or inspiring to our future generations. We live in a time where the "get money attitude" and the fame/fortune mentality rules over purpose and peace. Whatever genre of music you make, or medium of art you create, we want to talk about purpose, passion, and presentation with Music Producer and professional Amzi Jackson (@UMusicPro) of Untitled Music and Media. Learn what drives and inspired him to create and why working with positive people, serves as a better lane vs. anything else.