Overcoming Racism: Understanding it's Affect On Your Community #Alivewhileblack

Published: Jan. 7, 2015, 2 a.m.

In this episode of GaptoothDiva Radio, I’esha GaptoothDiva and the team discuss racism, diversity, and how it affects our community. In the news, there is so much negativity related to race and the oppression of African Americans. What can we do to put a halt to the systematic mistreatment? What roles can we play to counteract the abuse and foul treatment? In this episode, we will touch on topics such as: Internal and External Racism Police Brutality Stereotypes Updates on current events related to racism and the unjust treatment of African Americans And the negative portrayal of African Americans on television and in music This episode will feature Cleo Manago, Socio-political analyst, behavioral health specialist & multi-mediator, specializing in Black behavioral/self-conceptual solutions. Listen in as we come back with more of the off the cuff entertainment but with real and honest conversation surrounding topics related to you. Using Fashion, Music, Culture, Entertainment, and Lifestyle, I’esha GaptoothDiva holds no pinches in an effort to inspire you to be as phenomenal as you were born to be. Tweet us @GaptoothDiva during the show to interact with questions and/or comments. Featuring new music by today’s independent artist. Contact us to submit music or inquire about artist at Teamgaptoothdiva@gmail.com