MondayJumpoff: Stop Placing People on a Pedestal

Published: Sept. 9, 2013, 10 a.m.

You assume that people who do “xyz”, should only talk about and do “xyz”. You later discover that there are normal people just like you who sin, make mistakes, and do bad ish. Do you get disappointed? Then you a guilty of putting people on a pedestal. Just because some folks are nice and sweet, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have an agenda. Just because someone goes to church, doesn’t mean that they haven’t ever sinned or aren’t currently doing something wrong. People are human, just like you. Learn how to stop placing people on a pedestal and start taking things for what they are. You are not inferior to anyone, and just because someone possesses something you admire, doesn’t make them better than you. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. Listen in LIVE for only thirty minutes for my #MondayJumpoff episode as we discuss the truth behind your friendships and relationships and how perhaps social media and the people addicted to it may make it possible for people appear more perfect than reality actually portrays them. Also, check out music from today's talented and inspiring independent artist. To be featured on future episodes (music) or to submit questions for advice, email