How to Attract Money w/ James Goi, Jr. Ft. Nadiyah Day Music

Published: July 8, 2011, 1 a.m.

James Goi Jr. is a speaker, mind-power coach, and the author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. His book is a serious work in which he quotes 160 other books. It’s available world wide through Ingram Book Company, and is also available on the Indian Subcontinent through Indra Publishing House, India. The next three foreign editions that will be published will be in Italian, Arabic and Bahasa-Indonesia. James has published the free monthly "Mind Power & Money Ezine” since January 2008. Since 1978, James has read hundreds of books in an effort to understand the laws of life. He believes that in today's economy, the information he shares is more needed than ever, and that his teachings could mean the difference between financial success and financial ruin for any individual, family, business or organization. Featuring Music and Advice from Nadiyah Day who is a Spiritual Life Coach, an Inspirational Soul Singer/Songwriter and a Speaker. Her coaching business, A New Day Life Coaching, is built on the idea that we choose what we experience in life by the thoughts we have and the beliefs that we hold. She coaches her clients in the use of conscious creation techniques: meditation, affirmations, and visualization, as well as other self-discovery techniques. These techniques assist her clients in creating a life aligned with their personal purpose by reinforcing new thoughts and beliefs that support the person they want to be and the life they want to create. As a Speaker, Nadiyah gives talks, workshops and seminars that introduce these conscious creation techniques and promote the ideas of unconditional love of self and expressing that love with others. As an Inspirational Soul Singer/Songwriter, Nadiyah’s music goes hand and hand with her mission of spreading the message of love and that we are all one. Call In LIVE (646) 378-0442