The Following the Nerd Podcast Ep 123

Published: March 10, 2015, 11:57 a.m.

b"Hello and welcome to the latest episode of the following the nerd show.

On the show this week we'll be looking at the week\\u2019s biggest stories in the nerdsphere\\u2026

We\\u2019ll be looking back at the career of the great Leonard Nimoy who died last week, leaving behind a legacy that most can only dream about and a feeling of loss in the hearts of many.

One of the big stories this week came from the ceo at Warner Bros who said the DC movies are much edgier and more realistic than the Marvel movies.

We\\u2019ll also be looking at The Walking Dead and what exactly is going on with heart-throb character Daryl Dixon who we haven\\u2019t seen very much this last few weeks - and does the write up for the season finale hold a dark secret that will really get under the skin of the fans?

Plus, Sony promises that, from next year, we\\u2019ll never play video games the same way as, at long last, virtual reality looks like it\\u2019s going to be a thing.

The Winter Soldier directors Anthony and Joe Russo sign up for Sony and speculation is that this is tied into the new unity with Marvel\\u2026 and we have some amazing - see what i did there? - Spider-man movie rumours.

And finally, Stephen Amell has shared comments on social media that strongly hint one of the Arrow characters are about to bow out.

Plus, I\\u2019ll be talking about why the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer is awesome, but has me a tad worried.

We'll also have Stuart from the Monday Movie Show podcast on with the latest movie news and boxoffice top ten countdown

As always, I'm your host Marc and with me once more in the studio I have the man who, just this week, pulled the leg off a Robin\\u2026 action figure; A man who, Even though he didnt exist for them, can quote almost every movie from the 1980s but, like most of us, he can\\u2019t really remember what happened yesterday and who, as a small boy pulled, out all his teeth and cashed them in so the tooth fairy would cough up the full set of Extreme Ghostbusters action figures. His family know him as Stephen but to everyone else he's known simply as... Saxon."