10/22/07: Iraq: The Perpetual War-for-the-Course

Published: Nov. 2, 2007, 7:30 a.m.

We're back to podcasting, folks! Apologies for the hiatus; as loyal listeners of the live show know, non-ELPN concerns have been dominant enough to cut back the amount of time we've had for the show. In any case, this segment from our most recent live show covers the latest on Iraq. Now that Turkey is getting involved in Iraq, we may be "forced" to stay longer to maintain the peace... and a troop presence for the eventual attack on Iran! The anti-war sentiment is getting the attention of the right-wing blogosphere, as blogs are dropping Ron Paul's name from GOP-candidate polls due to the overwhelmingly high volume of internet-savvy Paul supporters. The right-wing is feeling the heat of the swelling anti-war sentiment that is sweeping the nation! Jared and Ralph reveal the truth behind the Bushies' intentions.