05/17/07: Ron Paul Owns the GOP

Published: May 21, 2007, 6:30 p.m.

Ron Paul proved to be a force the GOP needs to reckon with after the second Republican debate for presidential candidates. He's the only GOP candidate who is in step with the American people regarding the situation in Iraq. He had the courage to stand up and challenge the other candidates, which upset Mr. 9/11, Rudy "America's Worst Mayor" Giuliani, Mr. "Hey, Bernie, I'm glad George Bush is president," to no end. The MSM have tried to defend Giuliani's wounded pride to no end, even as the public reveals how it felt: Ron OWNED Rudy on Iraq. Sen. Brownback also made another absurd abortion comment, and Mike Huckabee made a bad joke. You get all this, and more on that debate, with Jared and Ralph in an hour-long ELPN Podcast!