04/23/07: Harry Reid, American Traitor?

Published: April 26, 2007, 7 p.m.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) had the "audacity" to claim that the Iraq War is not "winnable," and that the only solution to the problem will involve diplomacy and economic efforts. How did the supposed "liberal" media react? They demonized Reid, calling him a traitor, and claiming that he is undermining troop morale. Funny, I'd think telling the troops their tours are being extended to 15 months would be at least equally damaging to morale. In any case, it is stunning to watch the corporate media turn on a liberal. At least NPR host and occasional FOX News fill-in Juan Williams has the guts to take William Kristol to task for his asinine comments. Jared and Ralph demonstrate yet again how the media is controlled by the corporate fascists of the Bush administration.