04/02/07: Straight Talk and a Leisurely Stroll

Published: April 3, 2007, 7:05 p.m.

Last week, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) suggested that Baghdad was safe enough to walk around, which prompted many people on the ground in Iraq - including the military - to question his sanity. To "answer" his critics, McCain, along with fellow senator Lindsay Graham, went for a stroll this past Sunday through a Baghdad market just a few minutes from the Green Zone. This was tantamount to a campaign stop, but at taxpayers' expense, as he had over 100 soldiers accompanying him, including 3 Blackhawk helicopters and 2 Apache gunships. Oh, and McCain wore an exposed bulletproof vest... sounds real safe to me! A few network reporters have exposed the hypocrisy of McCain's claims; one of those, CNN reporter Michael Ware, has had his character assassinated by Matt Drudge. Jared and Ralph expose ALL the lies and hyperbole of these corrupt, out-of-touch Neo-con bastards!