03/26/07: Conservatism Is a Failed Ideology!

Published: March 27, 2007, 8:45 p.m.

Americans are turning their backs on the Republican party, due to the neo-conservatism of the ideologues who run the party. We are fed up with their policies on war, the economy, health care, etc. In addition, they find themselves mired in scandals that are far worse than anything the Clinton administration actually DID. The polls have spoken - people are running from conservatives in record numbers! Unfortunately for America, the boy who wishes he were king is steadfast in his positions, will of the people be damned. Is it time yet to march en masse on the White House, demanding that the people's voice be heard: an end to the Iraq occupation, nationalized health care, and less income disparity? Jared and Ralph make the case that this country wants things done differently! It IS time to return sanity to America!