03/19/07: B-B-B-But Clinton Did It, Too!

Published: March 22, 2007, 10:50 p.m.

The Senate and House Judiciary Committees have been investigating exactly what led to the firings of eight United States attorneys, and the Neo-cons don't like it. They've done everything they can possibly do to try to deflect attention away from the firings. When in doubt, though, Tony Snow and the complicit media say, "Blame Clinton!" - or, in this case, "Clinton did it, too!" This is a bald-faced LIE on two counts. Firstly, both Bush and Clinton fired the majority of the 93 attorneys shortly after coming into office. Secondly, the only attorneys Clinton fired during his term had major, documented problems. The Bushie firings have overwhelmingly been people with stellar evaluations. In addition, there has been a startling revelation in another attorney's departure. Jared and Ralph splice two segments together to tell the whole story.