03/15/07: Harriet the Hitwoman

Published: March 18, 2007, 10:30 p.m.

Did you ever wonder how a lawyer with little trial experience was a Bush nominee for a vacated Supreme Court seat? It turns out that she knows where the proverbial bodies are buried - because she helped bury them! Harriet Miers, the woman who couldn't competently complete a questionnaire, played a key role in the deep-sixing of Bush's military record - by rigging the system to make the person who "fixed" things for Bush during Vietnam a cool $23 million. It now turns out that she has also played a role in the attorney-firing scandal; she wanted Gonzales to fire ALL 93 attorneys! Harriet Miers is as loyal a "Bushie" as they come. Greg Palast exposes her role in a recent article, which Jared and Ralph read from and comment on.