03/05/07: The Repetition of Failure

Published: March 6, 2007, 7:40 p.m.

This government consistently rewards and applauds failure, so it should be no surprise that they don't bother planning for the failure of their plans. Their fallback strategy for the failure of the surge is "Plan B is the same as Plan A." Considering that Gen. Petraeus says that the surge only has a "1-in-4" chance of being successful, you'd think that the government would have an alternative strategy. However, the Bush cabal just wants to perpetuate this war, so that we're prepared to invade Iran before the end of Bush's term. Jared and Ralph connect the dots. Also included in this podcast is another amazing track by JasJones, "Things Aren't Always What They Seem." Check his site at www.myspace.com/jasjonesmusic