Paris for the history nerd

Published: Jan. 14, 2019, 3:13 p.m.


This week\'s guest is Beckett Graham of The History Chicks podcast. It\'s her first time in Paris and I was curious to know what a history buff like her seeks out in a city like this.

For addresses and more info, simply scroll down, or check the site here for even more information.\\xa0

Lay a potato at the grave of Parmentier

Antoine Parmentier brought the humble potato to Paris and as a thanks, Parisians leave potatoes at his grave. You can find it in section 39 of Pere Lachaise cemetery. Address: 16 Rue du Repos, 75020

Visit the Princess Diana memorial\\xa0

Did you know there\'s an unofficial memorial for Princess Diana above the tunnel where she died? It\'s right by the scaled replica of the flame of the Statue of Liberty. Address: 7 Place de l\'Alma, 75008

Statue(s) of Liberty

Did you know there are at least five statues of Liberty in Paris? Besides the flame mentioned above, you can find the biggest replica of them all on the man-made island called\\xa0\\xcele aux Cygnes,\\xa0not\\xa0far\\xa0from\\xa0the\\xa0Eiffel\\xa0Tower.

Find all five of the statues here.

Visit the Marie Antoinette\'s hamlet

Most people head to Versailles for the palace. Maybe even the gardens. But did you know you can go and find the hamlet made by Marie Antoinette? It\'s basically a village that the queen made so she could play at being a peasant. You can read more about "The Queen\'s Hamlet" on the official Versailles website here.

Find Joan of Arc\'s statue

Many people will head into the Notre Dame Cathedral without even noticing there\'s a statue of Joan of Arc just inside. In fact, despite the hoards of tourists, you might just find her standing by herself without anyone around.

Find the grave of the saxophone inventor

Belgian born Adolphe Sax, who created the saxophone, is buried in the Montmartre cemetery. Pay your respects by heading to section five of the cemetery where you\'ll find his memorial. Look for the bronze saxophone. (And consider bringing some cat food for the local cat population).

Find Mary Cassatt\'s house\\xa0

Find the home of painter Mary Cassatt, an American who defied her parents and came to Paris to pursue her art. You can\'t go in, but find it at 13 Avenue Trudaine in the ninth arrondissement.

Find the remnants of guillotine\\xa0

If you want a real chill, head to the 11th arrondissement and find the traces of the guillotine where 200 people had their heads chopped off. The remnants are hard to find and you\'ll need to use your imagination, but there\'s a vide below to help you out. Find it at: 13-15 Rue de la Croix Faubin, 75011

That\'s it!

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