Why Was “Hey Jude” a Hit But "Revolution” Wasn’t? The Beatles, The TuneSmith Series, Episode I - The Doctor of Digital, G.Mick Smith, PhD

Published: March 24, 2021, 1:45 a.m.

Deconstructing the marketing messages behind the Beatles' song "Revolution" or why "Hey Jude" was the hit and "Revolution" wasn't. Marketing “Revolution” normalized the everyday wearing of sports shoes. Many years later, the daily wearing of shoes designed for professional athletes is a normal part of consumer culture, demonstrating how society can live in the legacy of extraordinary marketing campaigns. Indeed, the possibility that so many people are wearing these shoes because Lennon, meditating in India, decided to address the politics of 1968, as a reminder that the collision of culture and politics in a medium of marketing can often create the most unpredictable outcomes imaginable.

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