What Can SEO Do for Me? Ryan Kelly Interview Episode #132 - The Doctor of Digital, G.Mick Smith, PhD

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, 6:54 p.m.

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Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got started in digital marketing?

I appreciate that you can spend some time with us today.

I appreciate the invite onto your show, and I know that you have a great presence and a good following. So I'm excited to spend some time with you. So yeah kind of where I come from I guess right with my background. So I'll tell you I am 42 years old. I was born in 1978 and just to give you an idea of kind of where I'm at in my life journey. And when you asked where I kind of came from and maybe with my background or experience was I was a nerdy Yellow Page kid right though for all those all those wonderful people younger than me. You may not know what the Yellow Pages used to be like with the Yellow Pages bought me my first two homes so that yellow page office. Eventually. I became an assistant to an account executive and then I became an executive took over the office and then working with a much larger territory of the United States if you will, so what ended up happening was I was in the Yellow Pages. I was working with small businesses. I was feeling selling advertising Nationwide and I saw this thing coming called the internet and bear in mind. I was a young guy when this started happening an old crusty dude that was saying no to the internet. I was super duper excited about it and I saw it coming and I saw how the internet was going to change the face of advertising and at that time that was many years ago. I put my notice in to the president of the company of the American brand of the company.

He refused to take my resignation. Can I put my notice in and said, you know, I see the internet coming. I want to be on the internet. I don't know if I want to be on ink on paper anymore. So he actually wouldn't let me quit. He found me a new position and tasked me with developing internet marketing products and working and end it developing an internet marketing team to create internet marketing products and we could sell nationwide. I was selling digital marketing with nationwide packages.

And what ended up happening was it only solidified my love and excitement about internet marketing so sadly, I still put my notice in later, but I gave him 6 months to notice and I trained my replacement. So that was 14 years ago that that that transition happened where I went from corporate executive to agency owner with my wife.

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