
Published: Jan. 27, 2014, 11 a.m.


Control is one of the big attractions of living in the digital world, we only post the best pictures of ourselves enjoying the best parts of our lives. But does that mean we start to treat our lives more like a brand, to be sold to our friends and protected from anything negative?

Aleks Krotoski talks to Sherry Turkle director of MIT's Initiative on Technology and the Self to ask if this could cause us problems. She'll also find out what happens when you give up control of your online life or have it taken over.


Aidan Moffat\\\\n@AidanJohnMoffat

Sherry Turkle\\\\n@STurkle

David White\\\\n@daveowhite

Charlie McDonnell\\\\n@coollike

Andy Zaltzman\\\\n@hellobuglers
