Episode 636-Big Fatty Is in the Chat Room and Not in the Chat Room

Published: Oct. 9, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Big Fatty is in the chat room, and yet, he isn't. He's Schroedinger's Big Fatty!

Nike makes Colin Kaepernick their newest face for the 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign. (David totally mangles the campaign caption.) Predictably, the conservatives are destroying their Nike gear.

The Blue Wave is happening, as Democratic candidates are winning surprise victories.

David and Paul talk about their time at Camp Snowflake.

David talks more about his new position, and finishing up the summer fitness challenge at The Monolith.

Paul arrives and recaps Snowflake and presents his lates Encouragement Corner.

Join David (and sometimes Paul, and occasionally Mags or Jay) live on the Pride 48 Stream on Tuesday nights at 10pm in the evening in the Eastern Time Zone (that's 0300 UTC for the rest of the world).

Contact the show:

Voicemail: +1989-372-1489

thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com (David)
paul.ronald.fournier72@gmail.com (Paul)

@bluejeansguy (David)
@lightworker72 (Paul)

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Thank you so much for listening!