Episode 614-Why Do You Believe in God?

Published: Aug. 1, 2017, 4 p.m.

David pulls his old show out of the mothballs for a special presentation (it's not live, so it's still in integrity with my plan).

This episode is a recording of a sermon David delivered to answer Auntie Vera Charles' question, "Why do you believe in God?"

Join David (and sometimes Paul, and occasionally Mags or Jay) for "The Denims" live on the Pride 48 Stream on Tuesday nights at 10pm in the evening in the Eastern Time Zone (that's 0300 UTC for the rest of the world).

Contact the show:

Voicemail: +1989-372-1489

thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com (David)
frogman72.pf@gmail.com (Paul)

@bluejeansguy (David)
@lightworker72 (Paul)

We are also on Facebook!

Thank you so much for listening!