Episode 591-Where Do We Go from Here?

Published: Nov. 20, 2016, 1:59 a.m.

After an introduction from Ramble Redhead, David speaks about the election results.

We all know how the election went down, and David talks some about why he thinks it happened the way it happened. Also, what lessons can be learned from this major upset?

Join David (and sometimes Mags and sometimes Paul and now possibly Jay) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 10pm Eastern every Tuesday night.

Contact us:

David: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com

Paul: frogman72.pf@gmail.com

Mags: chaoticravings@gmail.com

Google Voicemail: 989-372-1489



twitter.com/bluejeansguy (David)

twitter.com/lightworker72 (Paul)

Thanks always for listening!