Episode 587-Is That Like Doing the Dougie?

Published: Oct. 25, 2016, 12:47 a.m.

David is back with another show.

If you didn't listen to the live show on October 4th, consider yourself lucky. That show will never be posted.

It's a much happier show this week, starting with some of the craziness courtesy of a certain Redhead from Indiana, and then David takes it from there.

Join David (and sometimes Mags and sometimes Paul) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 10pm Eastern every Tuesday night.

Contact us:

David: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com

Paul: frogman72.pf@gmail.com

Mags: chaoticravings@gmail.com

Google Voicemail: 989-372-1489



twitter.com/bluejeansguy (David)

twitter.com/lightworker72 (Paul)

Thanks always for listening!