Episode 562-Post Exiting the Birth Canal Celebration Show

Published: Jan. 31, 2016, 5 p.m.

NOTE: There are a lot of skips in this show. Nicecast was not being nice.


Due to Paul’s work schedule David is going solo on this one.


Birthday happenings, some rantings about website design, and questions from the audience.


Join me (and usually Mr. Green Jeans) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 10pm Eastern every Tuesday night. 


Intro music:“Deep Cycle Discharge” by independent artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller


Contact us (Paul pulls back the curtain a little!):


David: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com


Paul: frogman72.pf@gmail.com


Google Voicemail: 989-372-1489






twitter.com/bluejeansguy (David)


twitter.com/lightworker72 (Paul)


Thanks always for listening!