Episode 552-Je Suis Paris

Published: Nov. 14, 2015, 6:21 p.m.

This one is just me.
As I was editing Episode 551, I wanted to add on an editorial about the terrorist attacks in Paris. I then realized that this needed to be its own episode.
When will it end? I give my answer.
Join me (and usually Mr. Green Jeans) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 10pm Eastern every Tuesday night. 
Intro music:“The Religion Song” by independent artist David Ippolito
Outro music: “Common Ground” by independent artist David Ippolito
Contact us (Paul pulls back the curtain a little!):
David: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com
Paul: frogman72.pf@gmail.com
Google Voicemail: 989-372-1489
twitter.com/bluejeansguy (David)
twitter.com/lightworker72 (Paul)
Thanks always for listening!