Episode 547-Strange Voices

Published: Oct. 24, 2015, 5:22 p.m.

Paul has big, life-altering news.
Myrtle Beach news.
Birthday greetings.
Message work
Join me (and usually Mr. Green Jeans) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 10pm Eastern every Tuesday night. 
Intro music: "Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller
Special music: “Happy Birthday” by independent artist Craymo.
Contact us (Paul pulls back the curtain a little!):
David: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com
Paul: frogman72.pf@gmail.com
Google Voicemail: 989-372-1489
twitter.com/bluejeansguy (David)
twitter.com/lightworker72 (Paul)
Thanks always for listening!