Episode 519-Adventures in AV and Facebook Friending

Published: April 29, 2015, 2:57 p.m.

This week was mostly about getting ready for a church retreat involving two singer/songwriters and me as their AV support man. Think: Lucy and Ethel rolled into one person...
Paul talks more about the universe giving him the really strong hints to start writing (as in, watch out for typewriters to start falling from the sky). 
Myrtle Beach News. Meh.
I have had several family members friend request me on Facebook, and I have returned the favor to a few others. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Join me (and usually Mr. Green Jeans) live in the chat room at Pride48.com at 8pm Eastern every Wednesday night. 
Also, the American Idol Update is back! Ramble Redhead and I will review American Idol until the new Idol is crowned.
Intro music: "Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller
Contact us (Paul pulls back the curtain a little!):
Thanks always for listening!