Episode 276-Good Stuff Happening All Around!

Published: March 26, 2010, 9:07 a.m.

A lot of good stuff has happened in many areas of my life since the last time I did an episode. I share all the good details with you in this episode.

Also, I editorialize on the health care reform law, the good stuff that it will mean to us, and the good stuff that still needs to happen. I also appeal to the Tea Partiers and Republicans who seek to challenge change with violence.

As always, I welcome comments.

Also, don't forget that anybody who listens is invited to do an episode of "David's Salon" with me. Just have a topic--any topic--and get in touch with me to set up a recording time.

Music Today:

"Newspapers" by independent artist Dan Vaillancourt

"Peace in the Battle" by Mevio Music Alley group Maple Bridge

"I'm Your Radio" by independent artist Dan Vaillancourt

Intro Music:

Derek K. Miller - Penmachine Sessions - Deep Cycle Discharge (with Simon James)"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Thanks for listening,and Stay Powerful!