Episode 248-Christmas Time Is Here with Kevin Koelbl

Published: Oct. 26, 2009, 7:56 a.m.

In this special episode, I have a delightful conversation with independent artist Kevin Koelbl (pronounced "Cable").

Kevin and I discuss his new Christmas album, what it was like to be the understudy for Michael Crawford in EFX, and much more as well.

As always, I encourage you to support Kevin Koelbl by buying his music where it is sold. The Christmas CD will be available on November 10. his previous album, Somewhere In Time, is currently available. Some places are:

Kevin Koelbl - This Is Christmas Time - The Christmas Song">iTunes (both albums currently available).
Barnes & Noble
LML Music.com
And the soon-to-be launched KevinKoebl.com

Be Kevin's friend on MySpace, and a friend and fan on Facebook by clicking on the links in this sentence.

Support a great musician and great guy today!

Thanks for listening.