Episode 22-Net Neutrality-Part Deux

Published: June 23, 2006, 3:04 a.m.

Due to the better sound quality of my mic, I have recorded new voiceovers for the intro, contact and outro parts of my show.
Hopefully, these sound better than the old ones. My life is going great, so I'll get to the point.

I talked about net neutrality one time before, and since then, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that would gut net neutrality and slow or block access to websites purely at the discretion of the telecommunications companies.

This bill would also take away local communities' ability to negotiate with cable companies for their franchises.

This bill has been either ignored or misrepresented by mainstream media, and only the blogsphere and podosphere have been talking facts.

Join in the fight to keep the net neutral by contacting your Senators and voting.

You still have the power in this country; use it or lose it!

Music today: "God Save the Internet" by The Broadband. Listen to and download the song at http://www.savetheinternet.com/broadband.html

"Dubya" by PodSafeAudio.com artists The Swim Team.

Intro Music: "Deep Cycle Discharge" by PMN artists Derek James and Simon K. Miller (also available at http://podcast.penmachine.com)

Outro Music: "Power Inside" by PMN and Podsafe Audio.com artist EL84 (buy cd at http://www.el84rocks.com).

Contact info:

You can email me at thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com.

You can call my voicemail at 206-339-8915.

Visit my webpage, where you can send me an Odeo voice mail and stick a pin on my Frappr map.

While you are there, check out the links to my favorite podcasts' home pages.

Thanks for listening, and Stay Powerful!