Episode 20-The Federal Marriage Amendment

Published: June 11, 2006, 3:20 a.m.

Sorry this episode was late. I was a busy person this past week, but things should be slower come next week.

I am done with school for a couple of weeks, and I am looking forward to the break.

The job is going great, and I am enjoying doing what I am doing.

The Federal Marriage Amendment was defeated in the US Senate this past week, only getting 50 votes out of the required 67 to send it to the House.

What's more, two Sentors, Arlen Specter (R-PA) and Judd Gregg (R-NH) changed from a "yes" to a "no" since the last time this worthless amendment came up for a vote.

Many thanks to both of my Senators, Carl Levin (D-MI) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), who also voted "no" on this worthless amendment!

This amendment vote is nothing but a political strategy to get a checklist of who voted which way so that the Religious Right can target the "no" voters with negative campaigning and publicity.

The House of Representatives is supposed to vote on a similar amendment soon, and it is not expected to pass, but we must make sure.

Contact your representative and tell him/her you don't want discrimination written into the Supreme Law of the Land.

G'day to any Aussies who might be listening in, as the podcast was added to a directory in the land of Oz.

Music today:

Sensory Motor "Note to the Bringer of Life" from PodsafeAudio.com

Classic Graffiti, "Raven"-check Classic Graffitti out at http://www.myspace.com/graffittiguitar

David Ippolito "Common Ground" from the Podsafe Music Network and his website http://www.thatguitarman.com

Intro Music "Deep Cycle Discharge" by PMN artists Derek James and Simon K. Miller (also available at http://podcast.penmachine.com)

Outro Music "Power Inside" by PMN and Podsafe Audio.com artist EL84 (buy cd at http://www.el84rocks.com).

For questions, comments, or other feedback:

You can email me at thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com.

You can call my voicemail at 206-339-8915.

Visit my webpage at http://thatbluejeansguy.libsyn.com, where you can send me an Odeo voice mail and stick a pin on my Frappr map.

While you are there, check out the links to my favorite podcasts' home pages.

Thanks for listening, and Stay Powerful!