The Fruits of the Contemplative Life

Published: Jan. 10, 2015, 5:39 p.m.

Dear friends,
Welcome to the Deer Park Dharmacast.  Dharma flowing from the Ocean of Peace.
Today we share with you a dharma talk given by Brother Phap Hai at the end of 2014. He shares with us the sutra, The Fruits of the Contemplative Life. Our brother encourages us to pause and consider the nature of our own contemplative life. There is Dharma to experience in every moment and a unique path of practice for every practitioner. 
Remember, you can always find the Deer Park Dharmacast at, on Facebook, iTunes, and Twitter. Now, enjoy this moment to stop and look deeply. 
**We are trying different options: posting podcasts on Saturday and also posting the whole one-hour podcast rather than 30 minute parts.  What do you think?**