Silent Night Deadly Night Retrospective: Episode 05 - Silent Night Deadly Night V: The Toymaker (1991)

Published: Dec. 22, 2013, 4 p.m.



Silent Night Deadly Night V: The Toymaker (1991)


"He\'s Home... But He\'s Not Alone."


Welcome back for another episode of the Dead Air Horror & Genre Podcast\'s Silent Night Deadly Night Retrospective Podcast Series; brought to you by GenreWatch, The Liberal Dead, and Doc Terror! In this episode, Jeff (@Jeff_FOTD) is joined by co-host James (@DrJimmyTerror) to tackle 1991\'s wacked out "sequel" Silent Night Deadly Night V: The TOymaker; aka the one where Mickey Rooney kidnaps kids and Pinocchio gets his groove on.


How bad did Mickey Rooney need rent money? Who the hell would ever want these toys? How much crack was being smoked when this script was written? More importantly, what the hell does any of this have to do with the rest of the series?


Find the answers to these questions here - along with talk of the film\'s production history, themes and plot points, reception, and its place in the franchise. As always, the guys give you a straight shot on whether or not it\'s worth your time and/or money.


Come for the discussion, but stick around for the child abduction, full-body casts, and inappropriate rape jokes.

If you are looking to watch the film, or any of the others in the series, you can help support the show by Purchasing or Renting it from Amazon.


If streaming isn\'t your thing, you may also Download the MP3 directly, using the provided link, or Subscribe Via iTunes to ensure that you stay current with this series and all of our other shows.


iTunes listeners: Please take a moment to leave us a rating/review, and we will share it on an upcoming podcast!


And, as always, if you want to drop us a line to let us know what you think of Silent Night Deadly Night V, or you just want to give us feedback on the podcast in general, please send an email to podcast (at) liberaldead (dot) com.

This podcast contains major plot spoilers for the film... Watch before you listen!
