The Dave weinbaum Show January 25, 2019

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 2:59 p.m.

It's #FriDave and you know what that means!! It's time to.. GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST!! Call 573-364-4433 to share your opinion and be heard!!

A lot happened this week. Nancy Pelosi uninvited President Trump to give the State of the Union Address. Twitter Jack does an interview in the Rolling Stone Magazine saying how much he respects and admires Laura Loomer while still giving her a lifetime ban. The MAGA Hat teens and their families are receiving death threats. Should they sue the main stream media for plastering their faces on the news as villians?

All this and more on this edition of The Dave Weinbaum Show. Visit for all past shows, daily news updates, contributor links and much more. #LIVE every Friday from 9a-12p CST on KKID 92.9FM.