#156~ August 2, 2019: A. "Jim Garrison & The 'Clay Bertrand' Conundrum." B. "DISINFO ALERT: The Skorzeny Aberration."

Published: Aug. 2, 2019, 11:20 p.m.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS. ALL-NEW #156 HAS UPLOADED> CLICK THIS LINK: https://www.spreaker.com/…/156-august-2-2019-a-jim-garrison… TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD.
IN THIS EPISODE~ We will go back through Primary Resource Documentation all the way to late 1963, and examine the story/stories told by and about New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews~the man recruited by a mysterious "Clay Bertrand" in the hours following the Dealey Plaza Hit to be Lee Oswald's Legal Representation.
Then we'll look at an Absolutely Fascinating recent article published at the website www.bayoujustice.com about a Real, Live Guy operating in New Orleans during that time actually named Clay Bertrand. And this guy~if he is who he is purported to be~ *could* actually have a Tangible Connection to the Case. Maybe.
PLUS~ I'm going to alert THIS Audience & Study Group to a particularly asinine Nugget Of Disinformation making the rounds about Storied Nazi Commando Otto Skorzeny. We'll go over the nonsense being floated, AND the Solid Primary Resource Documentation that proves it to be nonsense.

~Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell
~Recorded & Produced by Gaby Estes