#128~ March 23, 2018: "UNDER OATH: Santo Trafficante And The HSCA", With Ted Rubinstein.

Published: March 23, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

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IN THIS EPISODE~ Our friend, Researcher & Analyst Extraordinaire Ted Rubinstein is BACK, and it's yet another marathon run through testimony, declassified documents, and related resources. We're going to go through-and-dissect the Immunized Testimony given to the House Select Committee On Assassinations in the late '70s by Florida Organized Crime Kingpin Santo Trafficante, after the revelations of CIA/Mob collaborations in assassination, and after the deaths of former collaborators Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli.
We touch on many people and facets of the Assassination Narrative: Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis and alleged assassin Morita Lorenz; the New Orleans Cuba/Mob Nexus; Mobsters Giancana, Roselli, and Carlos Marcello, The Gunboat Cowboys, Operation 40, the casino business in Havana both pre-and-post Castro, and a myriad of other related topics.