#126~ February 11, 2018: "Persons Of Interest: The Exile/Wiseguy Nexus", With Ted Rubinstein.

Published: Feb. 11, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL NEW #126 HAS UPLOADED. CLICK HERE: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/the-dallas-action_36 TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD FREE.
IN THIS EPISODE~ We have our first 2&1/2 hour-plus marathon run of the year with Assassination/Covert Politics Researcher Extraordinaire and Good Friend Of The Show Ted Rubinstein! Get a notebook, get some pencils, brew a pot of coffee and settle in, because a myriad of connections, documents, names and events centered on the Militant Cuban-Exile/Organized Crime Nexus that's inextricably woven into the narrative of the Assassination of JFK is on the way. From Jimmy Hoffa to Jack Ruby, from more Militants moonlighting as Mafia bodyguards to the murky history of an ex-Army pilot-turned-mercenary who was running guns into Central America when Lee Oswald was still in grammar school. We cover alot of ground, so dive in...