#124~ January 7, 2018: "News, Notes, And Curious Connections: Combing The New JFK Files."

Published: Jan. 7, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW #124 HAS UPLOADED! CLICK HERE https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/the-dallas-action_26 TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE FREE!
IN THIS EPISODE~ The tunes are rockin', the info is fresh, and the documents are intriguing! We'll take a quick trip around the InterWebs and take note of some Notable Reaction & Analysis of the recent JFK Documents Releases and take a close look at a few, touching on Cuba, Exiles, Oswald, Sam Giancana's "undercover henchman", and James J.-By-God-Angleton his own bad self.