#119~ October 14, 2017: "Private Spies: James J. Angleton Vs. Army Intelligence."

Published: Oct. 14, 2017, 2:42 p.m.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL_NEW #119 HAS UPLOADED. CLICK THIS LINK TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/the-dallas-action_7
IN THIS EPISODE~ Historian and Author Michael Swanson is back with us, bringing a topic with him that is *perfect* for the kind of intriguing, fascinating, and informative Historical Related-Tangents we like to take occasionally here on TDA.
This week, we're going to study the murky history of a Super-Secret, off-the-books, private intelligence network born inside Army Intelligence during WWII, formed under the tightest secrecy for the express purpose of rivaling Bill Donovan's OSS. We'll learn how this network became a completely autonomous entity after the War, farming it's services out to the highest bidder, and how James Angleton from CIA used a Signature Play to bring them down.

Music: The Jelly Jam~ "I Can't Help You."
ZZ Top~ "Precious And Grace."