#111~June 9, 2017: "Of Mercenaries And The Militant Right"; "Blowback Pt. 5", with David Boylan & Ted Rubinstein.

Published: June 9, 2017, 10 a.m.

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IN THIS EPISODE~ Ted Rubinstein is back for the first segment to share his continuing study of the movements and connections of I. Irving Davidson, an arms trader/financier with shady connections to folks with names like Hoffa, Hemming and Hunt, and we'll detail how Davidson inserted himself into the Garrison Matter in 1967.
In the second segment, we're fortunate to have a conversation with researcher David Boylan, about his seminal article "A League Of Their Own: A Look Inside The Christian Defense League", which details the California Militant Hard Right and the former Army Intelligence officer who led them, a Minutemen/John Birch Society bigwig in whose orbit floated mercenaries like Hemming and Howard, ex-Generals named Walker, and around whom rumor and innuendo have swirled since the events of 11/22/63.