#104~ February 25, 2017: "Critical Thought & Analysis: Vetting Witnesses", With Larry Hancock.

Published: Feb. 25, 2017, 11:09 a.m.

ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW #104 HAS UPLOADED. CLICK THIS LINK TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD FREE: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/104-february-25-2017-critical-thought-an
IN THIS EPISODE~ Author, Researcher and Political Assassinations Scholar Larry Hancock is BACK on the show! He shares with us his 2017 "November In Dallas" LANCER Powerepoint presentation for use in our own private study-group "analysis workshop". Mr. Larry has worked up a system for, as he calls it, "separating the wheat from the chaff", specific points/questions/criteria that, when applied to witness statements & stories, can help you better determine which witnesses are worthy of further consideration and which ones are probably a waste of time and not worth further consideration.
So, we're going to apply these criteria to several witnesses/characters in the narrative, including Fred Crisman, E. Howard Hunt, Thomas Beckham, Loran Hall, Gene Wheaton, Gerry Hemming and others. We'll also apply the criteria to ME, and my personal experience as an accidental witness to a murder 13 years ago.
THIS is a fun, informative and most of all INSTRUCTIONAL conversation. JOIN IN!