They Dont Understand That Were Real People

Published: Oct. 1, 2021, 9:45 a.m.

b'This episode contains strong language.\\n\\nA month ago, Texas adopted a divisive law which effectively banned abortions in the state. Despite a number of legal challenges, the law has survived and is having an impact across state lines. \\n\\nTrust Women is abortion clinic in Oklahoma just three hours north of Dallas \\u2014 one of the closest clinics Texas women can go to. \\n\\nOn the day the Texas law came into effect, \\u201cit was like a light had been flipped,\\u201d said one of the workers who staffs the clinic\\u2019s phone lines. \\u201cWe had everyone\\u2019s line lit up for almost eight hours straight.\\u201d \\n\\nWe visit Trust Women and speak to workers and patients about the real-world impact of the most restrictive abortion law in the country.'