The Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse

Published: Nov. 5, 2021, 9:50 a.m.

b'This episode contains strong language and scenes of violence.\\n\\nLast summer, as the country reeled from the murder of George Floyd, another Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by police in Kenosha, Wis. People took to the streets in Kenosha in protest and were soon met by civilians in militia gear \\u2014 a confrontation that turned violent.\\n\\nOn the third night of protests, a white teenager shot and killed two people, and maimed a third. The gunman, Kyle Rittenhouse, became a symbol of the moment, called a terrorist by the left and a patriot by the right. Now, he\\u2019s on trial for those shootings.\\n\\nGuest: Julie Bosman, the Chicago bureau chief of The New York Times.'