The Sunday Read: Why Was Vicha Ratanapakdee Killed?

Published: Sept. 26, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"Throughout 2020, multiple strangers came at Monthanus Ratanapakdee seemingly out of nowhere. An old man yelled at her in Golden Gate Park \\u2014 something about a virus and going back to her country. When she discussed these incidents, her father would ask, \\u201cIs it really that bad?\\u201d\\n\\nHer father, Vicha Ratanapakdee, 84, was a lifelong Buddhist, the kind of person who embraced the world with open arms. During the coronavirus pandemic, he usually left the house before 8 a.m. and made it back before his grandsons started their Zoom classes.\\n\\nThis year, on the morning of Jan. 28, he headed out. A surveillance video captured what happened next. A tall figure suddenly darts across a street and slams into a much smaller one; the smaller figure crumples onto the pavement and doesn\\u2019t get back up.\\n\\nMr. Ratanapakdee's death helped awaken the nation to a rise in anti-Asian violence. For his grieving family, the reckoning hasn\\u2019t gone far enough."