The Sunday Read: Neanderthals Were People, Too

Published: May 23, 2021, 1 p.m.

b'In the summer of 1856, workers quarrying limestone in a valley outside D\\xfcsseldorf, Germany, found an odd looking skull. It was elongated and almost chinless.\\n\\nWilliam King, a British geologist, suspected that this was not merely the remains of an atypical human, but belonged to a typical member of an alternate humanity. He named the species Homo neanderthalensis: Neanderthal man.\\n\\nGuided by racism and phrenology, he deemed the species brutish, with a \\u201cmoral \\u2018darkness.\\u2019\\u201d It was a label that stuck.\\n\\nRecently, however, after we\\u2019d snickered over their skulls for so long, it became clear we had made presumptions. Neanderthals weren\\u2019t the slow-witted louts we\\u2019d imagined them to be.'