The Story of Two Brothers From Mexico

Published: May 26, 2020, 9:55 a.m.

b'Two brothers, Javier Morales, 48, and Martin Morales, 39, died of coronavirus within hours of each other in their adopted home of New Jersey. Their last wish was to be buried at home in Mexico, but, to make that happen, their family must navigate the vast bureaucracies of two countries, international airfare and the complications of a pandemic. Guest:Annie Correal, an immigration reporter for The New York Times, spoke with Shaila and Melanie Cruz Morales, twin sisters from New Jersey who are the men\\u2019s nieces. For more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit\\xa0\\n\\nBackground reading:\\xa0In Mexico, being buried near home is a sacred rite. These are the obstacles the Morales family has faced as they try to return their uncles\\u2019 bodies home.'