'The Run-Up': The Republic

Published: Sept. 24, 2022, 10 a.m.

b'In kicking off the midterms, Joe Biden talked about American democracy as a shared value, enshrined in the country\\u2019s founding \\u2014 a value that both Democrats and Republicans should join together in defending. But there is another possible view of this moment. One that is shared by two very different groups: the voters who propelled Biden to the presidency \\u2026 and the conservative activists who are rejecting democracy altogether.\\n\\n\\u201cThe Run-Up\\u201d is a new politics podcast from The New York Times. Leading up to the 2022 midterms, we\\u2019ll be sharing the latest episode here every Saturday. If you want to hear episodes when they first drop on Thursdays, you can search for \\u201cThe Run-Up\\u201d wherever you get your podcasts. Visit nytimes.com/therunup to learn more.'