The Most Damning Impeachment Testimony Yet

Published: Oct. 23, 2019, 9:48 a.m.

b'The Democrats leading the impeachment inquiry are calling testimony from the acting envoy to Ukraine the \\u201cmost damning\\u201d yet, implicating President Trump himself in a quid pro quo over military aid to the country. William B. Taylor Jr., a career diplomat who has served under both Democratic and Republican administrations, prepared a 15-page opening statement for investigators on Tuesday. He described his testimony as \\u201ca rancorous story about whistle-blowers, Mr. Giuliani, side channels, quid pro quos, corruption and interference in elections.\\u201d In his statement, Mr. Taylor documented two divergent channels of United States policymaking in Ukraine, \\u201cone regular and one highly irregular.\\u201d He said Mr. Trump had used the shadow channel to make America\\u2019s relationship with Ukraine \\u2014 including a $391 million aid package \\u2014 conditional on its government\\u2019s willingness to investigate one of his political rivals, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and his family. The question of a quid pro quo for the military aid has been pursued by House Democrats since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry. In Mr. Taylor, investigators have a former ambassador testifying under oath that the allegations are true. \\n\\nGuest: Nicholas Fandos, who covers Congress for The New York Times. For more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit\\n\\nBackground coverage:\\xa0Here are six key takeaways from Mr. Taylor\\u2019s opening statement to impeachment investigators.This is the evidence collected and requested in the impeachment inquiry so far.'