The Freshmen: Rashida Tlaib, Part 2

Published: May 14, 2019, 9:53 a.m.

b'When we last spoke with Representative Rashida Tlaib, she had just been sworn in \\u2014 and had fulfilled the fears of Democratic leaders by calling for the impeachment of President Trump. In the months since, she\\u2019s been challenging her party on a different front, attracting controversy for her criticisms of Israel, which some have characterized as anti-Semitic.\\n\\nMs. Tlaib has repeatedly denied that there\\u2019s any anti-Semitism behind what she\\u2019s said. But she hasn\\u2019t spoken at length about the controversy or explained where she\\u2019s coming from. So a few weeks ago, we traveled back to visit her at her congressional office in Detroit.\\n\\nGuests: Representative Rashida Tlaib, Democrat of Michigan; and Andy Mills and Jessica Cheung, producers for \\u201cThe Daily.\\u201d For more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit This episode contains explicit language.\\n\\nBackground reading:Remarks by Ms. Tlaib about the Palestinian role in the founding of Israel further inflamed a feud over the Jewish state, anti-Semitism and the first two Muslim women in the House.This episode of \\u201cThe Daily\\u201d includes excerpts from an interview with Ms. Tlaib on \\u201cSkullduggery,\\u201d a podcast from Yahoo News. Listen to the full interview here.'