Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on Not Regretting Al Franken

Published: Aug. 20, 2019, 9:54 a.m.

b'Al Franken resigned from the Senate more than 18 months ago over allegations of sexual harassment. New reporting about those allegations has revived the debate over whether the Democratic Party \\u2014 particularly senators currently seeking the presidency \\u2014 moved too fast in calling for him to step down. In an interview, one of those senators, Kirsten Gillibrand, says absolutely not.\\n\\nGuest: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat and 2020 presidential candidate. For more information on today\\u2019s episode, visit\\xa0\\n\\nBackground reading:\\xa0Ms. Gillibrand\\u2019s stance on Mr. Franken\\u2019s departure has come up persistently during her struggling presidential campaign.Our colleague Lisa Lerer interviewed Ms. Gillibrand for the On Politics newsletter.'